Online privacy policy
Accessing the Web site or using its contents implies accepting the terms and conditions of the Online Privacy Policy, as specified below. If you do not agree with said terms and conditions, please refrain from accessing the Web site or using its contents.
Acquisition of personal data
When you purchase products, download software or take part in competitions, you may be asked to provide personal information in the forms you complete and send. Users are free to accept or reject these requests. If you decide to accept, you may be asked to provide personal information like your name name, address, e-mail address or other identification data. When ordering products from our Web site, you may be asked to provide your credit card details.
You can visit this site, browse its pages and access relevant information as anonymous user without providing personal data. To improve the usability of the Web site, the company uses "cookies" to track the visits of users. A cookie consists in a small data file transferred from the Web server to the user's browser, which can be read only by the server that has transferred it. The cookie acts as ID and is used to store passwords, purchases and preferences. It is not an executable code and does not transmit viruses.
The vast majority of browsers is initially configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure the browser to issue a warning every time you receive a cookie, to allow you to decide whether you wish to accept or reject it. Some pages can only be displayed if you accept cookies, thus if you reject them you may not be able to access these pages.
This site uses cookies to track your usage. Our Web servers automatically store the IP/Internet URL of your PC. This information cannot however be used to identify you as user. Therefore, all users visiting this site shall remain anonymous unless they have decided to register.